Any kid can learn to play the piano. A few may take to it more easily than others, depending on their intelligence and grasping talent; a few may race ahead; a few may lag behind. And some may read quickly, while others may be aurally gifted, and able to move their fingers quickly and naturally. However, it really does boil down to practice. It is not the matter what you want or nothing about your skill. Yes, it’s the will power. It’s all about DOING IT. It is all about what you feel. No one can change your inner feeling regarding a matter. The circumstance has the power to dominant for you. Sometimes we are forced to do something which we do not really want or enjoy. But as per the demand of the situation we need to do that.
The Native Love:
There are lots of Russian who are far from their native. Every day their heart cries for their motherland. The beauty of the place, the sweet memory and the inclination to the location tempted them to come to Now York again each day. But due to some personal obligation, job, career or other responsibility they are continuing to stay there.
Success & Happiness:
While doing practice on the piano, a child gets masters through focusing 1/2 an hour every day. He is dedicatedly following the process of learning. That is because the kid loves to do that. It is the feeling which he enjoys from the heart. So always do the thing which you enjoy or which you want to do from your bottom of the heart.
The child, however, following his heart will definitely earn success in some future days. It is not all about how much you earn or how much successful you become. It is all about your inner happiness and joy.