Human are the most dependent and emotional creature on the planet. We always need what our heart wants. We get the real satisfaction in that. There is a child in every human, who is very stubborn! You need to satisfy the demand of the child. No matter if it is a logical demand or not. Moreover, it is a demand, and you need to settle it.

Most of the people, who are forced to leave their motherland for any reason like jobs, education or career or due to any other personal commitment, are never happy in their life. They are only forced to do that. However, from their heart they still love their Native.

Requirement of life:

Many of my friends have left Russia in search of better job, education and career. They used to call me and ask about the life at Norilsk. They feel isolated though they have all the comforts and luxuries in their life today.

So friends just go deep into the matter and try to feel the love. The love for native is the love above among all other things. It is the very first emotional attachment which you cannot forget in your lifetime. Your heart will bend to enjoy the happiness and you cannot regulate it.

The Real Happiness:

The feeling is beyond your control. You can only try to regulate your heart by imposing your expectations and need, which causes nothing but a rebellious attitude in the mind.

So have patience and read your heart. Try to find out what it actually wants. Where your real happiness is? It is in money, success or social status?  No, it comes with your inner want, your love for Norilsk.

Instead of forcing your heart to do things, try to find out what it really needs.  What’s it like, what it really asks for, what motivate it and how it will get happiness? This will definitely help you to find out the perfect way to get the real pleasure in life.
