If you are really keen to commence your startup in Russian platform then you need to be a little more careful. The market is good but you need to know about the business prospects for the location. To make the business run successful the entrepreneur should think about raising the funds. You can raise the business capital from the below sources:

  • Venture capital:

    Like any other business the venture capital is also a business. It is the public money. The money of the investors, which can be used for lending. There are professional persons who calculate the risk/return ratios before investing the people’s money.

  • Bank loans:

    Basing on your business plan you can get a bank loan for your start-up.

  • Business investors.

    A convincing business plan has much significance to make an investor convinced to investing in a startup business. They check the viability of your business idea and only after that if they feel it as a good project, then they may invest their funds in your new business.

  • Family and friend:

    The last and most secured funding is the loan from the family and friend.

Now a day you can hire a business analyst and work as per his advice. They are the perfect professional to guide you in your starting up in reducing costs inevitably, improve your strategy and fetching the benefits in the short and long term.

There are other options to get the most of your business. You can take the help of a graphic designer or website developer to design your business website.

Local government in the country is helpful and supportive enough to encourage you to start a business. They will get money from you as in the way of tax. You will become a prospect employer and commercial property owner in the area. Thus, they can help you help with permits, licensing, health & safety along with loads of other business related matters.
